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- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- ; CBM installer script to install Imagemaster R/t on users
- ; hard-drive. Loosely derived from the original Imagemaster
- ; installation script.
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Copyright 1993,1994, Black Belt Systems, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Written by: Ben Williams
- ; Date Written: July 26th, 1993
- ; For: Imagemaster R/t
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Updates
- ; -------
- ;September 01/93: Now deletes the old .info file on re-installs
- ; so that new icon shows up.
- ;
- ;September 13/93: Now asks user if they wish to have ApAsisst
- ; placed in c: (which is suggested)
- ;
- ;September 16/93: Now adds a path add statement to the user's
- ; shell-startup file so that ApAssist and
- ; Imagemaster can run successfully from shell;
- ; Also copies "ReadMeFirst" document into the
- ; Imagemaster R/t install directory.
- ;
- ; March 28/94: Modified to work with early assigns as target
- ; to get around extraction utility's problem with
- ; spaces in paths. Modified to be smarter about
- ; ApAssist installation. Modified to be smarter
- ; about float & non-float archive fragments, uses
- ; less ram during install. If there is NO
- ; s:user-startup file, we'll create one for the
- ; user. "imblock" file changed to remove leading
- ; space for BEGIN and END segments; this was
- ; preventing SMOD from correctly removing the
- ; older block. Changed to 7 disk install to
- ; accomodate large expansion in documentation
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Notes:
- ;------->
- ; (1) We force a minimum level of AVERAGE user so that they
- ; must specify the target directory for the install and
- ; answer some basic questions such as "Do you have an FPU"
- ;
- ; (2) There must be sufficient diskspace to install the software
- ; or we won't even try to install.
- ;
- ; (3) The ARexx REXX assign must be available, or we can't install
- ;
- ; (4) If the user has already assigned targets for ALL of:
- ; RXPI:
- ; CMPI:
- ; IMDOC:
- ; IMCAT:
- ; Then we will not attempt to create directories in the
- ; Imagemaster R/t drawer for them. Instead, we will install
- ; the relevant portions of the software to the specified
- ; locations. This MAY defeat the available space checking
- ; code in the install script, if these locations are on
- ; a different volume than the target volume.
- ;
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Install script is initiated from disk one of the install group,
- ; so we do all things we possibly can from disk 1, first.
- ; Disk 1 is where most of the miscellaneous items are stored.
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; cleanup routine
- ;----------------
- (onerror)
- ; Create disk filesystem names and volume names
- ; Some installer functions want the ":" character, and
- ; some don't. Another blow for consistancy in programming.
- ; --------------------------------------------------------
- (set d1 "IM_Install1:") (set v1 "IM_Install1")
- (set d2 "IM_Install2:") (set v2 "IM_Install2")
- (set d3 "IM_Install3:") (set v3 "IM_Install3")
- (set d4 "IM_Install4:") (set v4 "IM_Install4")
- (set d5 "IM_Install5:") (set v5 "IM_Install5")
- (set d6 "IM_Install6:") (set v6 "IM_Install6")
- (set d7 "IM_Install7:") (set v7 "IM_Install7")
- ; This IM R/t release is (approximately) sized as follows:
- ;---------------------------------------------------------
- (set misc_spc 50000)
- (set imrt_spc 2100000)
- (set film_spc 180000)
- (set isha_spc 25000)
- (set devl_spc 10000)
- (set pimo_spc 2000000)
- (set apas_spc 90000)
- (set adoc_spc 3161088)
- ; Make certain rexx: directory exists - if ARexx isn't running, we
- ; can (sortof) live with that, though the user will be seriously
- ; crippled in capability. If no assignment exists, we're toast
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- (if (= (getassign "rexx") "")
- ( ; Then...
- (abort "Cannot install - no REXX: assignment in this system. "
- "You MUST have ARexx and a drawer assigned to REXX: "
- "to hold ARexx scripts in order to successfully "
- "install Imagemaster. Please properly configure "
- "your computer and try again. If you do not know how "
- "to accomplish this, call your dealer or consultant."
- )
- )
- )
- ; Find out where user wants to put Imagemaster
- ;---------------------------------------------
- (set user_place
- (askdir
- (prompt "On which Volume shall we place the Imagemaster DRAWER? ")
- (help @askdir-help "It is important that you realize that the destination volume you specify "
- "here is where the DRAWER in which Imagemaster and its associated data "
- "files will be placed. Even if this is an update to an earlier "
- "installation, you still need to specify this location the same way. "
- "Otherwise, a new \"Imagemaster\" drawer will be created INSIDE your "
- "old one, causing much confusion and not amusing anyone.")
- (default @default-dest)
- )
- )
- ; Check to see if assigns are already made
- ; This accounts for custom installs by techno-types
- ;--------------------------------------------------
- (set as_made 0)
- (if (<> (getassign "rxpi:") "")
- (if (<> (getassign "cmpi:") "")
- (if (<> (getassign "IMDOC:") "")
- (if (<> (getassign "IMCAT:") "")
- (set as_made 1) ; All four assigns must be made!
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Find out if user wants the developer code
- ;------------------------------------------
- (set dev_install
- (askoptions
- (prompt "Would you like to have the Public Interface developer "
- "C and ARexx code, with documentation? This will allow "
- "you to create public interface modules of your own, IF "
- "you own the SAS C compiler and have typical Amiga "
- "developer skills.")
- (help @askoptions-help "If you are NOT a technical type, "
- "you have no need for this data. If you are, then by all "
- "means install it!")
- (choices "Install SAS C and ARexx developer code?")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- ; Check with user if they want the floating point version
- ;--------------------------------------------------------
- (set float_install
- (askchoice
- (prompt "Install the hardware floating-point version? ")
- (help "An FPU is a special hardware mathematics processor "
- "which allows a computer which uses it to figure out "
- "answers to math problems using floating point math "
- "much faster than it could without an FPU. A 68000 "
- "Amiga has no FPU. 68020 or 68030 based-Amigas may "
- "have an FPU - check your documentation if you're not "
- "certain. 68040-based Amigas always have the FPU built "
- "right in. The non-FPU version will work on an Amiga "
- "with an FPU, however it will be much slower which "
- "will cost you unecessary time when processing images. "
- @askchoice-help)
- (choices "Install Floating Point (FPU) version"
- "Install standard (NON-FPU) version")
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- ; Derive total install space
- ; for required elements of installation:
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------
- (set total_size imrt_spc) ; Imagemaster R/t
- (set total_size (+ total_size film_spc)) ; Filmstrip Viewer
- (set total_size (+ total_size isha_spc)) ; IShapes files
- (set total_size (+ total_size pimo_spc)) ; PI Modules
- (set total_size (+ total_size adoc_spc)) ; Hypertext Documentation
- (set total_size (+ total_size misc_spc)) ; Any remaining items...
- ; Add space for developer code, if desired
- ; ----------------------------------------
- (if (= dev_install 1)
- ( ; Then...
- (set total_size (+ total_size devl_spc)) ; Developer Code
- )
- )
- ; Decide if we can install ApAssist in the c: directory
- ; If we can, we do it immediately, before we do the rest
- ; of the install - this will ensure that the disk space
- ; check will take it into account if it is on the same
- ; volume by virtue of its already taking up space; if
- ; it's not on the same volume, then we won't "see" it in
- ; the disk space check, and that works fine too. This
- ; install comes from disk one:
- ; -----------------------------------------------------
- (set app_in_c 1) ; assume ApAssist will fit in c:
- (set app_space (getdiskspace "c:"))
- (copyfiles (source d1) (dest "ram:") (pattern "ApAssist") (files))
- (if (< app_space apas_spc)
- ( ; Then must go to IM R/t directory
- (set app_in_c 0)
- (set total_size (+ total_size apas_spc)) ; ApAssist executable
- )
- ( ; Else _could_ go in c:
- ; Find out if user wants ApAssist in c:
- ;--------------------------------------
- (set apa_install
- (askoptions
- (prompt "It has been determined that you do have enough "
- "free space on the volume that your c: assignment "
- "points at to install ApAssist in c:. This is the "
- "suggested location, the most generally useful. If "
- "for some reason this is not acceptable, ApAssist "
- "will be installed in the Imagemaster R/t drawer "
- "along with the rest of the software.")
- (help @askoptions-help
- " ApAssist is Black Belt Systems' hypertext online "
- "Documentation system. It runs the online manual "
- "for Imagemaster R/t; the reason that it is a very "
- "good idea to place it in your c: assigned location "
- "is because in this location, other software can "
- "also use it (because c: is always part of the "
- "path AmigaDOS searches for commands.)")
- (choices "Install ApAssist in your c: assigned location?")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; At this point, we've got a pretty good handle on installation
- ; storage requirements, with the possible exception of if the
- ; user has created custom assignments for all of RXPI, CMPI,
- ; IMDOC and IMCAT - in which case we can mistakenly abort here
- ; if the target disk is short on space. Hopefully a technically
- ; competant user such as would intentionally redirect the
- ; installation using assigns will manage their system well
- ; enough to avoid that problem. If we can't do the main install,
- ; we quit immediately with an informative message.
- ; -------------------------------------------------
- (set tgt_space (getdiskspace user_place))
- (if (< tgt_space total_size)
- ( ; Then...
- (abort "This installation requires about " ("%ld" total_size)
- " bytes free on the "
- "volume where you wish to install Imagemaster. Please "
- "make this space available and then re-install. For your "
- "information, the volume you have selected has only "
- ("%ld " tgt_space) "bytes free. You need "
- ("%ld " (- total_size tgt_space)) "more bytes."
- )
- )
- )
- ; Get the items we need from disk 1
- ;----------------------------------
- (if (= float_install 0)
- ( ; Then...
- (copyfiles (source d1)
- (dest "ram:")
- (pattern "(bss|extract|ReadMeFirst|ReadMeFirst.info|smod|imblock|join|delete|fv.lzh|ish.lzh|imi.lzh|dc.lzh|imb.lzh.partb|makedata.diag)")
- (files)
- )
- )
- ( ; Else...
- (copyfiles (source d1)
- (dest "ram:")
- (pattern "(bss|extract|ReadMeFirst|ReadMeFirst.info|smod|imblock|join|delete|fv.lzh|ish.lzh|imi.lzh|dc.lzh|ima.lzh.partb|makedata.diag)")
- (files)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= dev_install 1)
- ( ; Then...
- (copyfiles (source d1)
- (dest "ram:")
- (pattern "dd.lzh")
- (files)
- )
- )
- )
- ; We've got the target; now we need to make sure that we have our main DIR
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (set im_dest (tackon user_place "Imagemaster"))
- (if (not (exists im_dest))
- ( ; Then...
- (makedir im_dest (infos))
- )
- )
- (makeassign "TMPTGT" im_dest (safe))
- (set @default-dest "TMPTGT:")
- ; If it is _possible_ to put ApAssist in c:
- ;------------------------------------------
- (if (= app_in_c 1)
- ( ; Then it is _possible_ to put ApAssist in c:
- (if (= apa_install 1)
- ( ; then they _want_ ApAssist in c:
- (copyfiles
- (source d1)
- (dest "c:")
- (pattern "ApAssist")
- (files)
- )
- )
- ( ; Else they do NOT want it in c:, put it in IM R/t location
- (set total_size (+ total_size apas_spc)) ; ApAssist executable
- (copyfiles
- (source d1)
- (dest "TMPTGT:")
- (pattern "ApAssist")
- (files)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ( ; Else not possible for it to fit in c:, goes to IM dir
- (copyfiles
- (source d1)
- (dest "TMPTGT:")
- (pattern "ApAssist")
- (files)
- )
- )
- )
- ; Create subordinate target strings
- ;----------------------------------
- (set rxpi_dir "TMPTGT:rxpi")
- (set wipe_dir (tackon rxpi_dir "wipes"))
- (set cmpi_dir "TMPTGT:cmpi")
- (set ish_dir "TMPTGT:IShapes")
- (set dev_dir "TMPTGT:Developer")
- (set imdoc_dir "TMPTGT:imdoc")
- (set imcat_dir "TMPTGT:imcat")
- (set lib_dir "libs:")
- (set rexx_dir "rexx:")
- ; Create targets for assign statements for user-startup file
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------
- (set vrxpi_dir (tackon im_dest "rxpi"))
- (set vwipe_dir (tackon rxpi_dir "wipes"))
- (set vcmpi_dir (tackon im_dest "cmpi"))
- (set vish_dir (tackon im_dest "IShapes"))
- (set vdev_dir (tackon im_dest "Developer"))
- (set vimdoc_dir (tackon im_dest "imdoc"))
- (set vimcat_dir (tackon im_dest "imcat"))
- ; Create RXPI drawer if it's not already there
- ; and if user doesn't have it custom assigned
- ; elsewhere
- ;---------------------------------------------
- (if (not (exists rxpi_dir))
- ( ; Then...
- (if (= as_made 0)
- ( ; Then...
- (makedir rxpi_dir (infos))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Create wipes drawer if it's not already there
- ;----------------------------------------------
- (if (not (exists wipe_dir))
- ( ; Then...
- (makedir wipe_dir (infos))
- )
- )
- ; Create CMPI drawer if it's not already there
- ; and if user doesn't have it custom assigned
- ; elsewhere
- ;---------------------------------------------
- (if (not (exists cmpi_dir))
- ( ; Then...
- (if (= as_made 0)
- ( ; Then...
- (makedir cmpi_dir (infos))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Create IShapes drawer if it's not already there
- ;------------------------------------------------
- (if (not (exists ish_dir))
- ( ; Then...
- (makedir ish_dir (infos))
- )
- )
- ; Create IMDOC drawer if it's not already there
- ; and if user doesn't have it custom assigned
- ; elsewhere
- ;----------------------------------------------
- (if (not (exists imdoc_dir))
- ( ; Then...
- (if (= as_made 0)
- ( ; Then...
- (makedir imdoc_dir (infos))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Create IMCAT drawer if it's not already there
- ; and if user doesn't have it custom assigned
- ; elsewhere
- ;----------------------------------------------
- (if (not (exists imcat_dir))
- ( ; Then...
- (if (= as_made 0)
- ( ; Then...
- (makedir imcat_dir (infos))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Make assignments so user can operate immediately
- ; If the user has already specially made these assignments,
- ; then we'll use those locations as targets instead
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- (if (= as_made 0)
- ( ; Then...
- (makeassign "RXPI" rxpi_dir (safe))
- (makeassign "CMPI" cmpi_dir (safe))
- (makeassign "IMDOC" imdoc_dir (safe))
- (makeassign "IMCAT" imcat_dir (safe))
- )
- )
- (makeassign "IMIMIM" "TMPTGT:" (safe))
- ; Extract this portion of the installation
- ;-----------------------------------------
- (run ("ram:extract >con:0/50/640/100/extract -m e ram:imi TMPTGT:"))
- (run ("ram:extract >con:0/50/640/100/extract -m e ram:fv TMPTGT:"))
- (run ("ram:extract >con:0/50/640/100/extract -m e ram:ish %s/" ish_dir))
- ; Decide about .info file name
- ;-----------------------------
- (if (= float_install 0)
- ( ; Then...
- (if (exists "TMPTGT:imf.info")
- (delete "TMPTGT:imf.info"))
- (rename ("TMPTGT:iminfo") ("TMPTGT:imf.info"))
- )
- ( ; Else...
- (if (exists "TMPTGT:im.info")
- (delete "TMPTGT:im.info"))
- (rename ("TMPTGT:iminfo") ("TMPTGT:im.info"))
- )
- )
- ; Clean up after these archives
- ;------------------------------
- (delete "ram:ish.lzh")
- (delete "ram:fv.lzh")
- (delete "ram:imi.lzh")
- ; Install DCTV.Library
- ; --------------------
- (run ("ram:extract >con:0/50/640/100/extract -m e ram:dc ram:"))
- (copylib (source "ram:dctv.library") (dest "libs:"))
- (delete "ram:dc.lzh")
- (delete "ram:dctv.library")
- ; Set variables pointing to the disk with the correct IM R/t archive
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- (if (= float_install 0)
- ( ; Then...
- (set imp_src d3)
- (set imv_src v3)
- (set proc_file "imb.lzh.parta")
- (run ("rename ram:imb.lzh.partb ram:iii.lzh"))
- )
- ( ; Else...
- (set imp_src d2)
- (set imv_src v2)
- (set proc_file "ima.lzh.parta")
- (run ("rename ram:ima.lzh.partb ram:iii.lzh"))
- )
- )
- ; Ask for the proper diskette
- ;----------------------------
- (askdisk
- (prompt ("Please insert the %s diskette " imv_src))
- (help " This diskette is absolutely required to complete this "
- "installation! It contains the version of Imagemaster R/t "
- "You requested (floating point, or non floating point).")
- (dest imv_src)
- )
- ; This gets the needed archive from the proper disk
- ;--------------------------------------------------
- (copyfiles (source imp_src)
- (dest "ram:")
- (pattern proc_file)
- (files)
- )
- ; Cojoin the fragments of the R/t archive and toss the sources
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------
- (run ("ram:join ram:%s ram:iii.lzh TO ram:ixi.lzh" proc_file))
- (delete ("ram:%s" proc_file))
- (delete "ram:iii.lzh")
- ; Here, we extract the image processor, copying it at the same time
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------
- (run ("ram:extract >con:0/50/640/100/extract -m e ram:ixi.lzh TMPTGT:"))
- ; Delete the joined image processor archive
- ;------------------------------------------
- (delete ("ram:ixi.lzh"))
- ; If user wants the developer stuff, install it
- ;----------------------------------------------
- (if (= dev_install 1)
- ( ; Then...
- (if (not (exists dev_dir))
- ( ; Then...
- (makedir dev_dir (infos))
- )
- )
- (run ("ram:extract >con:0/50/640/100/extract -m e ram:dd %s/" dev_dir))
- (delete "ram:dd.lzh")
- )
- )
- ; Install the ApAssist documentation
- ; ----------------------------------
- (askdisk
- (prompt ("Please insert the %s diskette " v4))
- (help " This diskette is required to complete the "
- "installation. It contains part of the documentation "
- "for the Imagemaster R/t software!")
- (dest v4)
- )
- (copyfiles (source d4)
- (dest "ram:")
- (pattern "apa.lzh.parta")
- (files)
- )
- ; Install the ApAssist documentation
- ; ----------------------------------
- (askdisk
- (prompt ("Please insert the %s diskette " v5))
- (help " This diskette is required to complete the "
- "installation. It contains part of the documentation "
- "for the Imagemaster R/t software!")
- (dest v5)
- )
- (copyfiles (source d5)
- (dest "ram:")
- (pattern "apa.lzh.partb")
- (files)
- )
- ; Cojoin the fragments of the doc archive and toss the sources
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------
- (run "ram:join ram:apa.lzh.parta ram:apa.lzh.partb TO ram:apa.lzh")
- (delete "ram:apa.lzh.parta")
- (delete "ram:apa.lzh.partb")
- ;Extract the complete archive
- ;----------------------------
- (run ("ram:extract >con:0/50/640/100/extract -m e ram:apa %s/" imdoc_dir))
- (delete "ram:apa.lzh")
- (copyfiles (source imdoc_dir)
- (dest "TMPTGT:")
- (pattern "IMRT_Manual")
- (files)
- (infos)
- )
- (delete (tackon imdoc_dir "IMRT_Manual"))
- (delete (tackon imdoc_dir "IMRT_Manual.info"))
- ; Get the PI Module archive chunks....
- ;-------------------------------------
- (makedir "ram:gbzyx")
- (askdisk
- (prompt ("Please insert the %s diskette " v6))
- (help " This diskette is required to install "
- "the PI Modules")
- (dest v6)
- )
- (copyfiles (source d6)
- (dest "ram:")
- (pattern "piarc.lzh.parta")
- (files)
- )
- ; Get part B of the piarc.lzh file
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- (askdisk
- (prompt ("Please insert the %s diskette " v7))
- (help " This diskette is required to install "
- "the PI Modules.")
- (dest v7)
- )
- (copyfiles (source d7)
- (dest "ram:")
- (pattern "piarc.lzh.partb")
- (files)
- )
- ; Now, enjoin the two lzh fragments back into a usable archive:
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- (run ("ram:join ram:piarc.lzh.parta ram:piarc.lzh.partb TO ram:piarc.lzh"))
- ; Get rid of fragments
- ; --------------------
- (run ("ram:delete ram:piarc.lzh.part? QUIET"))
- ; Now to get the PI modules installed
- ; Begin by backing up old macro file, if it exists
- ;-------------------------------------------------
- (if (exists "s:Default.immcr.old")
- (delete "s:Default.immcr.old"))
- (if (exists "s:Default.immcr")
- (rename "s:Default.immcr" "s:Default.immcr.old"))
- ;---------------
- ; Old macros are backed up, ready for main PI install
- ; Extract the PI Modules
- ;----------------------------------------------------
- (run ("ram:extract >con:0/50/640/100/extract -m e ram:piarc ram:gbzyx/"))
- (delete "ram:piarc.lzh")
- ; Archive is unpacked and ready to copy
- ; first, backup list.list if available
- ;--------------------------------------
- (if (exists "cmpi:list.list")
- ( ; Then...
- (if (exists "cmpi:list.list.old")
- ( ; Then...
- (delete "cmpi:list.list.old")
- )
- )
- (rename "cmpi:list.list" "cmpi:list.list.old")
- (message "Please note that during installation, your previous "
- "\"list.list\" file was located and renamed to "
- "\"list.list.old\". All of your aftermarket PI "
- "modules (if any) are still intact, but will not "
- "show up on PI lists untill the new list.list file "
- "has been appropriately modified."
- (help " This has been done so that you may refer to it if "
- "you had aftermarket PI modules declared in it. "
- "A new list.list file has been created as part of "
- "this install procedure - you should use this new "
- "list.list file instead of the old one (that will "
- "happen automatically) but if you DID have any "
- "aftermarket PI modules, such as Metadigm's ES300c "
- "scanner driver, you'll need to add the control "
- "line(s) for it (them) into the new list.list file. "
- "You would then use the old list.list file as a template "
- "to accomplish this.")
- )
- )
- )
- ; move the "odd" files (not PI rexx or PI cmds)
- ;----------------------------------------------
- (copyfiles (source "ram:gbzyx") (dest "rexx:")
- (pattern "(picmdpath|launch.rexx|imtf.rexx)") (files))
- (copyfiles (source "ram:gbzyx") (dest "s:")
- (pattern "(default.??mcr)") (files))
- (copyfiles (source "ram:gbzyx") (dest "cmpi:")
- (pattern "list.list") (files))
- (copyfiles (source "ram:gbzyx") (dest "rxpi:wipes")
- (pattern "#?.rxwp") (files))
- (copyfiles (source "ram:") (dest "TMPTGT:")
- (pattern "ReadMeFirst#?") (files))
- (copyfiles (source "ram:") (dest "TMPTGT:")
- (pattern "makedata.diag") (files))
- (delete "ram:makedata.diag")
- (delete "ram:ReadMeFirst")
- (delete "ram:ReadMeFirst.info")
- (delete "ram:gbzyx/picmdpath")
- (delete "ram:gbzyx/list.list")
- (delete "ram:gbzyx/launch.rexx")
- (delete "ram:gbzyx/imtf.rexx")
- (run "ram:delete ram:gbzyx/Default.??mcr QUIET")
- (run "ram:delete ram:gbzyx/#?.rxwp QUIET")
- ; Next, copy all the PI ARexx scripts
- ;------------------------------------
- (copyfiles (source "ram:gbzyx") (dest "rxpi:")
- (pattern "#?.rexx") (files))
- (run "ram:delete ram:gbzyx/#?.rexx QUIET")
- ; Next, copy all the PI Commands
- ;-------------------------------
- (copyfiles (source "ram:gbzyx") (dest "cmpi:")
- (pattern "#?") (files))
- ; Now, we have to decide if we can install the FPU PI modules
- ;------------------------------------------------------------
- (if (exists "CMPI:rdjpg") (delete "CMPI:rdjpg"))
- (if (exists "CMPI:wrjpg") (delete "CMPI:wrjpg"))
- (if (= float_install 0)
- ( ; Then...
- (rename "CMPI:x_JPR030" "CMPI:rdjpg")
- (rename "CMPI:x_JPW030" "CMPI:wrjpg")
- )
- ( ; Else...
- (rename "CMPI:x_JPR000" "CMPI:rdjpg")
- (rename "CMPI:x_JPW000" "CMPI:wrjpg")
- )
- )
- ; clean up
- ;---------
- (run "ram:delete CMPI:x_#? QUIET")
- (run "ram:delete ram:gbzyx/#? QUIET")
- (delete "ram:gbzyx")
- (delete "ram:extract")
- (delete "ram:delete")
- (delete "ram:join")
- ; Check to see if there is a "user-startup" file in the user's s:
- ; directory. If not, put one there (with comments to show we did it)
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- (if (not (exists "s:user-startup"))
- ( ; then...
- (run "c:copy ram:bss s:user-startup")
- )
- )
- ; Add assignment to user's "user-startup" directory for new boot ops
- ; IF they were not already correctly done - otherwise skip this part
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- (if (= as_made 0)
- ( ; Then...
- (startup "Imagemaster"
- (help " This operation adds lines to your user-startup file "
- "which are harmless assignment statements to drawers "
- "within the Imagemaster drawer, called \"IMIMIM:\", "
- "\"RXPI:\", \"IMDOC:\", \"IMCAT:\" and \"CMPI:\". Each "
- "time you boot your Amiga, these assignments are used to "
- "let Imagemaster's Public Interface \(PI\) drivers know "
- "where its data files reside. Unless you know that you "
- "have another assignment with one of these names, it is "
- "extremely unlikely that there would be any reason to "
- "NOT let this happen.")
- (prompt "Is it o.k. to add five SAFE lines to your User-Startup "
- "file?")
- (command ("assign RXPI: \"%s\"\n" vrxpi_dir))
- (command ("assign CMPI: \"%s\"\n" vcmpi_dir))
- (command ("assign IMDOC: \"%s\"\n" vimdoc_dir))
- (command ("assign IMCAT: \"%s\"\n" vimcat_dir))
- (command ("assign IMIMIM: \"%s\"\n" im_dest))
- )
- )
- )
- (set shellstart
- (askoptions
- (prompt "As part of the usual install procedure, we "
- "normally add a statement to your shell-startup file "
- "which essentially teaches your Amiga how to find "
- "Imagemaster R/t and its help manager from any shell "
- "prompt - no matter what directory you are currently "
- "\"cd'd\" to. We strongly suggest that you leave this "
- "option checked, unless you are an expert with paths "
- "and already have other plans in force that will "
- "handle the path issues. Imagemaster R/t MUST have a "
- "path to IMIMIM: if it is to be operated from the "
- "shell at any time.")
- (help @askoptions-help " This operation uses a custom "
- "command written at Black Belt Systems which is able "
- "to modify your shell-startup file. The changes are "
- "made in such a way as to be clear to you, should you "
- "even have the need to edit your shell-startup file "
- "in the future. Allowing it to occur will cause no "
- "ill-effects, even if at some later date you remove "
- "the Imagemaster R/t drawer. Note that if you have "
- "a shell open NOW, the path will not be available "
- "there unless you add it manually. This is because "
- "each shell has it's own path. The statement in the "
- "shell-startup file added by this operation will "
- "cause the path to be added each time a new shell "
- "is opened. Since your current shell, if any, was "
- "opened using the shell-startup file before we added "
- "the new PATH statement, it does not have the path "
- "required to launch Imagemaster R/t properly.")
- (choices "Add PATH statement to your shell-startup?")
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- (if (= shellstart 1)
- (if (exists "s:shell-startup")
- ( ; then...
- (run "ram:smod s:shell-startup ram:imblock Imagemaster")
- )
- ( ; Else...
- (run "c:copy ram:imblock s:shell-startup")
- )
- )
- )
- (delete "ram:smod")
- (delete "ram:bss")
- (delete "ram:imblock")
- (run "assign TMPTGT:")
- (set @default-dest im_dest)
- (exit)